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USPSA Elections & Annual General Meeting

April 17, 2020
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In the absence of a national tournament, the Board has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting to June 27, 2020 @ 3:00 pm EST and reopen the USPSA Executive Board application process until May 15, 2020.

The positions available are President, Executive Vice President, Eastern Regional Director and Secretary. All open positions, except the President, have submitted and accepted applications from USPSA members.  After careful consideration, Jim Labas, (current President), will not be running.  Past or current members of the USPSA board are encouraged to apply for the Presidents position.

Those individuals that have applied for a position on the Executive Board do not need to resubmit their application.  If no there are no applicants for the President position by May 15, 2020 then Executive Vice President will assume the role of President according to the USPSA Bylaws after the Annual General Meeting.  The newly elected Board will then decide how to best operate going forward.

Applications can be found here. Duties of each officer position can be found here.

Regarding the deposit for the CCS, we will apply any deposits to the 2021 CCS.

We appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

Please stay safe and well.

Please contact USPSA Secretary Tari Carpenter at uspsasecretary@gmail.com with any questions or for more information.

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